Friday, June 24, 2011

brie bella super hot

 brie bella super hot

 brie bella super hot

brie bella super hot

brie bella super hot
 brie bella super hot

 brie bella super hot

 brie bella super hot

 brie bella super hot

 brie bella super hot

mackdown saw almost a full revelation of Brie Bella's twin sister. They switched under the ring simultaneously, so that now we...the viewers know there are two of them. Those in the vacuum are still a bit puzzled however. Also, this is about the first time I actually found Brie Bella smoking hot. The one that wrestled the match that is. I don't know if they've actually been taking turns in the ring, but whichever twin started this week was a little heartbreaker. Maybe it was also because her purple tights kept falling down. Hellooo tushy. How are you? Really? That's great to hear. 

They spent a lot of time, with vignettes and everything, building up Khali v Koslov, only the have them match mercifully last about a minute. Also, Benjamin came out and said "Aint No Stoppin Me NOOOW!" Then R-Truth came out and said "What's up!?" I'm not kidding. That was the segment. Chavo got a win over Yang. And to make things even better, he used a Rolling Liger Kick! And to make things even better better? Taz called it a Rolling Liger Kick! How are these accurate wrestling terms slipping into regular WWE broadcasting? It's mind-bottling. 

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