Monday, August 15, 2011

SummerSlam Report

Opening match was just jumble of every major star not already booked on the PPV. The match was supposed to be The Miz vs Rey but Rey injured his knee so rather than cancel the match WWE just made it a 6 man tag match. 

Sheamus should have destroyed Mark Henry in the next match, but the WWE has Mark Henry destroying everyone, and now that list includes Sheamus. Of course Sheamus didn't lose the match so much as the match was ended when Mark Henry smashed Sheamus through the wall around the ring and into the crowd and Sheamus was unable to crawl back into the ring before the 10 count. 

The Divas match was a big shock for me. I assumed Beth would Destroy Kelly Kelly in like 5 mins, but that wasn't what happened. After Beth beat Kelly for the entire match, just as Beth went for her finishing move, Kelly rolled it into a pin and got the fast 3 count and ran away with her belt before Beth even knew what happened. 

Similarly, Daniel Bryan beat the hell out of Wade Barrett for their entire match, which was a great match, until Wade suddenly hit Daniel with his finishing move "Wasteland" and got the 3 count which I think everyone would agree he didn't deserve after getting embarrassed by Bryan for an entire match.

The BEST match on the show was by far the World Championship match between Randy Orton and the Champion Christian! It was a no-holds-barred match, to make up for the cheap DQ ending of their last match at the Money In The Bank PPV. They used: Kin-do Sticks, Trash Cans, Tables, Steel Chairs, and most of all the Steel Ring Steps. Randy kicked out of Christian's "Kill Switch" and Christian kicked out of every move Randy had, even survived being RKO-ed through the announce table (which finally broke for once, unlike the last 3 times Randy tried to do the same move). The ending of the match came when Christian did the same failed move he has tried in every title match with Randy, where as he jumps and does a slow 180 of the second rope, Randy catches him in the RKO for the win, only this time they did it onto the Steel Ring Steps. It was pretty impressive. However, like with most of Randy's moves, he seemed to take more of the abuse than his opponent. Still, great match, best on the show!

But the real highlight of that match and the whole PPV was The Return Of EDGE!!!

Edge came out before the match as if he was going to be in Christian's corner and help him win the match and retain his title, but that wasn't what Edge did. Edge told Christian that he was happy to pass the torch to him when he retired but since he left in his opinion Christian turned into a whiny bitch! I think we would all agree lol. Great job Edge!

Now for the big main event! WWE Champion vs WWE Champion, John Cena vs CM Punk!

This match did not measure up to the Money In The Bank match they had last month and Triple H did a very poor job as the referee, and in my mind as the new COO. This PPV fell short of the previous PPV and did not live up to the expectations in my mind. Cena kicked out of Punk's move "Go To Sleep" and Punk kicked out of Cena's move "Attitude Adjustment" much to the crowds shock, but when Punk hit the "GTS" for the second time Cena was lucky that Punk pinned Cena right next to the ropes and chose to hook his inside leg and leave his other leg to immediately hook the rope, only the guest referee Triple H 'chose' not to see it!

Thus, CM Punk became the Undisputed WWE Champion but not for real because Cena technically had his foot on the rope and the win was tainted and ruined. Nice move WWE, build up this match as the biggest match in history then give your fans a bullshit ending. I know Cena isn't allowed to call his finishing move this anymore, but I think we all need to say FU to the WWE! 

Anyways, Cena briefly pretended to complain to Triple H who didn't care and stuck with his decision. Cena left the ring very quickly. Triple H awkwardly raised CM Punk's hand and the match was over. 

Or was it?

Kevin Nash aka Diesel hit the ring and hit CM Punk from behind. Nash then picked up Punk and hit him with his famous Jack Knife Power-bomb before leaving the ring area. Alberto Del Rio then came out with his Money In The Bank briefcase which he cashed in and then pinned Punk to win the WWE Championship!

Therefore, in conclusion lol, Triple H sucks, the PPV was a letdown and disappointment, Punk should have won clean and remained undisputed champion, instead we have to live with Alberto Del Rio. I said before if the WWE was smart they would go with this CM Punk thing as long as they can, instead they dropped him within a month and passed the ball to a moron like Del Rio that no one will ever like. Smart move WWE. 

CM Punk says: "I Know Where That Hand Has Been"

Cena's Foot Clearly On The Rope

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