Friday, August 5, 2011

WWE Raw World Tour Review 6/12/11

WWE Raw World Tour

WWE Raw World Tour

So I got to the arena around 3 to try to get some Autographs but nobody came over and even some of them didn’t bother to acknowledge us. I saw Cena, Miz, Swagger, Kofi, Punk, Truth, Ryder, Ziggler, Otunga, McGillicutty, Ryan, Riley, Bourne, Masters, Bella’s, Kelly, Eve & Phoenix. We got let into the arena around 4 and I was in my seats by 4:15, pretty packed.
The show started at 5 and we were welcomed by Justin Roberts and we did the National Anthem, they didn’t waste time and the show was underway right after.
- Evan Bourne def. Jack Swagger
This was actually a good match and was given time unlike any of their other TV matches. The crowd was hot and heavily behind Evan Bourne. The match ended when Bourne hit the Airbourne, but these two can definitely work when given the opportunity.
Justin Roberts then introduced a Guest Hostess which was Eve. She came to the ring and said that she will be hosting a contest before intermission for a prize. The Bella Twins interrupted and cut a heel promo on her. They were going to attack her but Phoenix and Kelly made the save and Eve made turned it into a Tag Match.
- Kelly Kelly & Beth Phoenix def. The Bella Twins
This was your basic Diva’s Match, nothing was really wrong with it. The crowd wasn’t really into it too much. Kelly got the pin and all 3 Diva’s celebrated in the ring.
- Percy Watson def. Zack Ryder
Zack Ryder got a huge pop as expected. Nobody knew who Percy Watson was at all; I overheard a few conversations asking if he was the guy from NXT. A small “Who are you?” chant broke out. Short Match, again nothing wrong with it; I don’t understand why Percy went over but whatever. Post match Dolph Ziggler attacked Percy on the ramp way and started cutting a promo on how he’s winning the US Title and bringing it to Vickie and taking cheap shots at the city.
- Kofi Kingston © def. Dolph Ziggler (United States Championship)
Before the Match started, Kofi threw his shirt into the crowd and I caught it but it got ripped out of my hands… This was easily the MOTN, these two worked really well together. I’m definitely looking forward to their match at Capitol Punishment because these guys can go. Ziggler mocked Shawn Michaels with a kip up and tuning up the band for Sweet Chin Music. The finish was Ziggler missing SCM and getting hit with the Trouble in Paradise. Again, Very fun match and got a good amount of time.
Eve came out and announced the Contest Rules which were, 4 people would be selected and they had to dance. The crowd would pick the winner and the prize was getting to go backstage to meet your favorite WWE Superstar. 3 of the people sucked, but the little kid that won totally tour that shit up. He got a huge pop and was announced the winner.
- Santino, Vladimir Kozlov & Chris Masters def. The New Nexus
This was actually not that bad of a match and pretty fun. This actually got a good amount of time. Santino got the 2nd biggest pop of the night, and picked up the win on McGuillicutty with the Cobra.
- Alex Riley def. The Miz Via DQ
This was definitely the worst match of the night and was very boring. It got way too much time and one sided the whole way through. I really don’t think Riley is that good of a worker and feel bad that these guys have a PPV match. If it turns out to be anything like this match then I feel bad for the viewers. Miz cut a promo before the match and easily got the biggest heat of the night, it got so loud you couldn’t even hear the guy. Riley came out and got a pretty big pop, not everybody was behind him though. The finish was Miz hitting A-Ry with the briefcase getting him disqualified.
- John Cena © def. R-Truth & CM Punk (WWE Championship)
This was a very good match, Cena obviously got the biggest pop of the night. I really hope they have this match televised because it worked really well. Lots of “Let’s go Cena” and “Cena Sucks” chant battles. At one point the crowd chanted “You can’t wrestle” at Cena but the little kids joined in and Cena directed the chant at R-Truth and started mocking him. This got a good amount of time and the crowd was into it the whole time. The finish was CM Punk getting a bag of powder and tried throwing it in Cena’s face but Cena hit his hand causing it to go into Punk’s face and hit him with the Attitude Adjustment for the pin. As soon as the match ended I ran up to the guard rail and tried to get Cena to sign my shit but he just stared at me and kept going through the crowd, fuck him.
Overall the show was really fun and went by really fast, I would say it was worth the money but the Cena incident just left me with a bad taste in my mouth…

WWE Raw World Tour
WWE Raw World Tour
WWE Raw World Tour
WWE Raw World Tour

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