Thursday, September 22, 2011

Greatest Moments We're Not Supposed To Remember

Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior 
at Wrestlemania 6
They never want to go back and promote this match because The Ultimate Warrior is no longer with the WWE and parted on very bad terms and there have been several lawsuits etc, so the WWE just tries to sweep him under the rug and expects all their fans to forget he was ever the biggest star in the entire company and once defeated Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. 

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior

Chris Benoit / Eddie Guerrero 
both win at Wrestlemania 20
This was one of the greatest nights in wrestling history. Chris Benoit finally won the World Championship belt by making Triple H tap out in a three-way match between Chris Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels. And this came right after Benoit had won the Royal Rumble. Meanwhile Benoit's best friend Eddie Guerrero won the WWE Championship by defeating Brock Lesner at No Way Out and then Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 20. The show ended with Benoit and Guerrero celebrating together in the ring and everyone was happy for them. Tragically, after that, Eddie Guerrero died after years of drugs and steroids, and Benoit had an even more tragic end. After years of brain damage from chair shots to the head Benoit suffered from dementia and would murder his wife and son before killing himself. As a result, WWE quick swept them both under the rug and no mention or footage of either has ever been shown since. 

Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero

Kurt Angle defeats Brock Lesner 
for the Championship in Japan
This was right after Brock quit the WWE. He tried to make it in the NFL but failed. So he went to Japan to wrestle and won the Championship belt in his first match. However, the WWE filed a lawsuit against him saying that he was not allowed to wrestling for any other promotion for 10 years. As a result, Brock was forced to return to Japan for 1 more match to drop the title. Brock had his friend Kurt Angle fly to Japan to defeat him and win the Championship. It was a famous match between the two greatest of all time in my opinion, but it has never been shown here in North America, and the WWE obviously wants to pretend it never happened since they did not own it or have to rights to show it or sell it. They would rather have you buy copies of Wrestlemania 19 when they were in the main event there than try to find a copy of a match they had in Japan. Thus making it probably one of the best kept secrets in wrestling!

Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesner (Japan)

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