Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WWE Fired R-Truth & The Miz

In keeping with tonight's storyline on RAW, the WWE announced the releases of R-Truth and The Miz on their website tonight with the following statement:
WWE has come to terms on the release of The Miz and R-Truth as of today, Sept. 19, 2011. WWE wishes Miz and R-Truth the best in all of their future endeavors.

R-Truth Tweeted: "Just wanted to say thank you to all my fans for their support,I don't tweet much, but would have thanked you sooner," he wrote Tuesday afternoon. "They threw us out,wouldn't let us in,.. the security for the arena let us in this morning to get our bags,phone,etc." 

How long do you think it will be before The Miz and Truth appear on WWE programming? 
Hell In A Cell? Next RAW or SmackDown?

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