Monday, February 13, 2012

Hulk, Linda, Warrior & Nash... My Thoughts!

Lately a lot of things have been said by Linda Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior that were meant to insult and hurt Hulk Hogan and others such as Brutus The Barber Beefcake. The Warrior has also started a feud with Kevin Nash. I've reported the news but now I wanted to take a minute and give my own thoughts, and feel free to post comments with your own thoughts as well. 

I think its an established fact that Hogan is a back-stabber who steals the spotlight in the world of professional wrestling. I am sure he has stepped over and screwed over more wrestlers that I could name. So its easy to imagine why people would have bad feelings towards him. On top of that he went through a bitter divorce with a clearly bitchy woman. So you can imagine she would have some extremely nasty things to say about Hogan as well. But if you can understand why they would want to say bad things about him doesn't that kind of just take away any value in their words since you know the purpose and intent and that really outweighs what they are actually saying. 

I will try to go through them quickly and briefly one at a time:

Linda Hogan claims after the divorce and trials were over in her book that Hogan abused her. Well as Hogan had said, if he ever did abuse her wouldn't she have mentioned it sooner? If not at the time by calling the police then at least during the trial and divorce? But she didn't. She waited until afterwards when she decided the money she received wasn't enough and could make even more by writing a nasty tell all book about the dark side of Hulk Hogan. Well if there is a dark side to Hulk Hogan could we please get more of an unbiased author other than his ex-wife lol. Bottom line, there are no police reports, there was never any photographed evidence, and she never made any attempt to have him charged or do anything about it. She just mentioned it in a book. Books are full of lies, if you want truth look for evidence, not just words. So as far as Hogan abusing his wife, my thoughts are... Linda is lying, and Hogan never abused her. 

Next, Linda claims Hulk Hogan is gay. Again, she never made any mention of this any time before, just recently in her book. Well you already know my opinions of books. But here is another great counterpoint by Hogan, if he was gay he would be open about it like he has been open about everything else in his life. Hogan has never really kept much from his fans, and I don't think in today's world it is a bad thing to admit, perhaps in the wrestling world, but again, this is Hulk Hogan, he can get away with anything he wants. Linda claims Hulk had a gay relationship with his childhood best friend Brutus The Barber  Beefcake. This story was backed up by Brutus' ex-wife as well. Again, wouldn't she want to hurt him? Both men have divorced their wives and found new women so maybe their ex-wives might be jealous? As Hogan points out as well, in trying to hurt them both, their wives have also hurt their children who have been caught in the middle. Why women will say things in public and in front of their children I will never understand. I understand divorces and breakups are brutal but still, have some self respect and keep your life to yourself. I can't say personally, but I can form my own opinion based on what I know. For one thing I have a friend that has met Brutus personally and she said he wouldn't keep his hands off her lol, so according to her he is definitely not gay lol. Again, my thoughts, jealous ex-wives, trying to be mean, but really aren't they insulting the gay community more by saying their husbands were gay in an attempt to insult them, implying that being gay is a horrible thing. Honestly, if they are then they are. Nobody would care. If they don't want people to know then people don't need to know. It doesn't change anything. But if they were I think more people would be speaking out than just their ex-wives. Wrestling rumours and dirt sheets have been around forever, if Hulk Hogan was gay rumours would have been around forever. Since the first anyone has heard of it was in Linda's post divorce book, I think we can all safely say it's total bullshit.

Next, the Warrior claims Hulk tried to get him to have a threesome with him and his wife Linda. This one I thought was funny. Warrior seems to be trying to jump on the bandwagon of saying Hogan is gay. Again, seems like it waited an awfully long time to come forward with this story lol. Seems like in the past 20 years of insulting Hogan he might have mentioned it before lol. Hogan answered this by saying that he was once friends with the Warrior, that he let him into his house, worked out with him, let him swim in his pool and play with his kids. But according to Hogan that was it. Well if the Warrior was in Hogan's house I could see Linda, who is currently still dating one of her son's classmates possibly asking Warrior to sleep with her, maybe even lying and saying that it was ok with Hulk, she does seem like a liar lol. But I doubt Hogan would have been any part of this. That's just my gut instinct though, I have no facts to disprove any of this anymore than any of them have any facts to prove any of this!

Lastly, Warrior told Kevin Nash to pack it in and retire and stop stealing the spotlight which he has been doing for decades, that it is time to step back and let the young talent of today have their time. Nash freaked out and challenged the Warrior to an MMA fight. Now while I would love to see the Warrior kick Nash's ass (I have always hated Nash more than just about anyone in wrestling) I think the fight would be a waste of Warrior's time. Every word that Warrior said is true. Everyone knows it and agrees with him. Nash got so upset because he knows its true and everyone agrees with the Warrior. However, everyone also hates the Warrior, so they are acting like they are on Nash's side because they want to see someone beat up the Warrior. However, if anyone was going to do it shouldn't it be Hulk Hogan? But clearly, Hogan knows he could not do it. Despite how insane the Warrior may be, he does seem to be in better shape than any of the other washed up wrestlers out there and if it came to a real fight my money would be on the Warrior 9 times out of 10. So the only reason Hogan is encouraging Nash is because he wants someone else to fight his battles for him. That's just sad.

In conclusion, in my opinion, Hulk Hogan did not beat his wife. Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake are not gay. Hulk Hogan did not try to have a threesome with Linda and the Warrior. But yes Kevin Nash is a washed up loser that needs to retire now. There, I've said it. My opinions are on record, agree or disagree, that is what I think.

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