Saturday, January 28, 2012

Warrior Says He Turned Down HOF

The Ultimate Warrior wrote on his Twitter that he turned down an invitation to be inducted in the WWE Hall Of Fame. 

"WWE HOF? I doubt it...many more much worthy of the honor.' Yeah, and none w/balls to turn VKM invite down like I already did."

"UW never respected by peers to be in the HOF you need respect by peers" One peer's respect decides ALL - VKM. And I said no."


A fan on Twitter asked WWE Champion CM Punk what he thought the chances were that Warrior would accept a Hall of Fame invite. Punk replied with the following message that was re-tweeted by Warrior:

"Zero. Why would he?"

Warrior later wrote the following regarding the Hall of Fame:

"Achievements worth honoring should not also be s--t upon by the very people who desire bestowing honor. That is s--t this Honoree won't eat."

I think the Ultimate Warrior should be in the WWE Hall Of Fame. I don't think he will ever set foot in a WWE event again, but she should return and be a Legend like Booker T and Kevin Nash. Hulk Hogan is contracted to TNA so the WWE cannot cash in on their internet feud, but Kevin Nash is under contract with the WWE and they want to have an MMA match, why not have it at Wrestlemania?

I also think he should be included in the WWE12 game because he is a popular superstar that will never be forgotten and fans still want to see the Warrior.

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